*Being Me*

Being Yourself is the most important thing in Life. No one should take that away from You. Smile and the World Smiles with You!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Its Thursday!!

Thursday - 07/08/08

Wow! Its the 7th of Aug!! Time seems to fly when you're in ICHM =( I just received my Mid-Sem Timetable and my first exam is on the 8th Sept! Damn, i thought we just got started here!! and exams are so soon! You have to be really mad to be able to survive in here.. many assigments were due the 2nd week we started school and more coming up at the end of this week. Well, this week didnt have any happenings except for the field trip we had to a food lab and saw all the bacteria that are present in food..disgusting... we also celebrated Charlotte's birthday at Graduates and i've got a picture of my main course!! Kangaroo (cooked rare..just the way i like it ^^) with Cous Cous and during the week, i took a random snapshot of Soph walking at the Swamp... Its about 5pm.. dark isnt it =) well then, enjoy!

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