*Being Me*

Being Yourself is the most important thing in Life. No one should take that away from You. Smile and the World Smiles with You!

Friday, September 5, 2008

It's been awhile..

Saturday - 06/09/08

It's been awhile since i've last posted my blog.. I have been trying to finish my assignments and get ready to study for exams.. My exams are starting on Monday! So anyways, let's start blogging...

Wine class on Thursday was HORRIBLE! there was 3 ports and out of the 3, there was only 1 which was drinkable. It was the Seppelts and there was 2 other Vintage port..Horrible stuff *yucks* Although 1 of them cost a fortune now (it is a 1987 Portuguese Vintage port and cost a few hundred bucks for a half bottle) , it was still horrible by my books!

During Marketing lesson, I asked Lee to pose for me.. and he strike his most "famous" post =.=! this is 1 of the reason marketing lessons amuse me!

Yesterday, at HSRM, i managed to catch a pic of Kevin on the window still teaching us... have any of u EVER seen a lecturer teaching from a window still? i certainly have!

Kevin on the window still

Lee with his famous pose
The 1987 Vintage port's seal (it is found underneath the seal to eliminate fraud)

The 1987 Cork

The 1987 bottle..few hundred bucks in my hand!

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