*Being Me*

Being Yourself is the most important thing in Life. No one should take that away from You. Smile and the World Smiles with You!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Exams Over~ Mid sem coming

Thursday - 25/09/08

Its been quite awhile since ive last blogged. Cant help it.. My exams for mid sem is over and i've gotten back some subjects. Didn't fail any SO FAR~ but i'm quite worried about Wine.. I hope i can get a pass for that. So anyways, after exams, we did some P-A-R-T-Y-I-N-G on campus.. to celebrate the end of exams.. and we went to the beach!! Mid-sem hols is coming up next week and i plan to go to the beach more often... i Definately need a Tan!

Some photos are taken during the preparation of exams and some are after exams!

During exam period, Dan & Kavs @ my unit studying

After exams, @ the beach With Kavs,Gianna & Nico

This is what Kavs wrote on my leg while i was doing homework @ the beach

There was wind storm and trees got uprooted

Kavs and Me going to the Tav

Kiros and Me @ Glow Party

Glow Party!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Friday - 12/09/08

Wow~ check it out... exam fever is ON CAMPUS!!! We had been studying really hard for exams.. and as u all know by now, ICHM is an asylum and apparently, we're part of this place. Just so u know, during the exam periods, people can be really really strange... and here are some pictures... I ran around my unit pretending to be MYOB superhero.. and then there was massage session of soph and kavs... and then... we had facial!!! at 4am in the morning!!!! isnt that impressive? We managed to get SOME studying done, get a facial and a massage and... be all crazy!! how much more can u ask from a school? SO... there are more pictures coming up.. but first, enjoy these...


Massage parlour

Crazy people do crazy stuff..a 4am facial

Kavs.. u know i love u.. no matter how stupid u are at putting on a mask! U DUMB BROWNIE!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

2 Years and Counting Baby~

Tuesday - 09/09/08
First of all, the 9th of Sept is very meaningful to me.. My bf and i have been going out for 2 years (since 09/09/06)! Hoping for many many more of this day to come =)
So, We just had HSRM and Food Safety exam.. we're all pretty much exhausted considering that these 2 subjects are huge.. Here are some evidence that we are delusional.. Trust me.. u would be the same way when u're in this "asylum".. Funny thing.. we were all pretty alright before coming to ICHM.. now.. we're part of this circus act.. We've got to fit in somewhere , somehow.. sooner or later ^_^.. after seeing these pictures.. u can be sure to think twice before enrolling urself into ICHM.. the new asylum in TOWN!~

Kavs was crazy after too much of HSRM..This is wad she did to me =(

And this is what i wrote on her.. hehex.. "Branded by Vanessa, Love xoxo"

Part of the asylum..u get qns like this.. "The most valuable defence against Food Poisoning is: A GOOD LAWYER!!"

Soph studying~ i hope..

My crazy friend as usual -.-.. this picture says it all

Yea yea.. my book is a drawing pad for u, sly..

My belated Birthday present from Josh! he remembered i love olives... awwww..

Friday, September 5, 2008

It's been awhile..

Saturday - 06/09/08

It's been awhile since i've last posted my blog.. I have been trying to finish my assignments and get ready to study for exams.. My exams are starting on Monday! So anyways, let's start blogging...

Wine class on Thursday was HORRIBLE! there was 3 ports and out of the 3, there was only 1 which was drinkable. It was the Seppelts and there was 2 other Vintage port..Horrible stuff *yucks* Although 1 of them cost a fortune now (it is a 1987 Portuguese Vintage port and cost a few hundred bucks for a half bottle) , it was still horrible by my books!

During Marketing lesson, I asked Lee to pose for me.. and he strike his most "famous" post =.=! this is 1 of the reason marketing lessons amuse me!

Yesterday, at HSRM, i managed to catch a pic of Kevin on the window still teaching us... have any of u EVER seen a lecturer teaching from a window still? i certainly have!

Kevin on the window still

Lee with his famous pose
The 1987 Vintage port's seal (it is found underneath the seal to eliminate fraud)

The 1987 Cork

The 1987 bottle..few hundred bucks in my hand!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Learning the ropes

Tuesday - 02/09/08
There are just too many photos to upload in this blog that i decided to post my photos before writing.. Well.. I've learnt 2 new words in my last accounting lessons today.. This is what Chris said to us (kavs, soph and me) "You've got to have a WORP(warm) sense of humor to retain your SALSITY(sanity)" wow.. nice words Chris =)
So, the photos that i've posted on my this post are of my TYPICAL household and my neighbour.. our lives in ICHM.. =) The 1 with the boobs are of Grant.. He envies girls with boobs.. so i decided to plant some boobs for him! (mandarins are big enough for him i reckon)
There's a picture of my classmates.. sleeping in lectures.. it happens when assignments and exams are near.. (everyone does All-nighters).. there is also 2 pictures of my fridge! we're all stocked up for war in Adelaide!!! Then, there's a sexy mama on the floor and soph giving Grant a massage.. and... Food from Kitchen Ops!! Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures!!
Last but not least.. i wished my bf was here.. so he can do everything else for me and i can concentrate on my studies =X i missed him!
Grant, are u happy ur pictures are on my blog? so stop complaining!