*Being Me*

Being Yourself is the most important thing in Life. No one should take that away from You. Smile and the World Smiles with You!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Typical Day in School

Wednesday - 30/07/08

I managed to PULL through wine lecture.. woke up slightly late and managed to get my butt into the shower.. Wine lecture was such a bore!! Irusa went through the whole bloody lecture w/o giving up any breaks in between!!!! I was like.. an hour and a half of yak yak yak and i was nearly falling off my seat.. Its so B-O-R-I-N-G!!..

After wine lecture, i managed to walk to the cafe.. (with the help of suying and soph) and got an ice coffee.. DOUBLE SHOT!!! that should keep me awake during Business Law...(I HOPE)

So anyway, During the week.. we had some wacky talks..(Ivan, me and soph) and Ivan ended up cursing at me..(i cant remember wad i said =x)

And during Business Communications lesson, I was mucking around with Derek i came up with an easier way to summarize the Executive Summary.. =x

The 2 pictures are the ones of Me in Derek's class mucking around and Ivan cursing at me with a banana!

(This is so NOT written by Vanessa =x)

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